Information on Registration
Only registered participants are entitled to attend the scientific sessions of the congress.
Only registered participants and registered accompanying persons will be admitted to the social evening functions offered in this Call for Registration.
An official receipt/confirmation of booking will be issued to all registrants upon receipt of the payment. Please bring this confirmation with you to the congress.
Registration and payment received
Before 1-April-2011
On/after 1-April-2011
250 €
350 €
Student * (PhD, Master, Graduate, Undergraduate)
150 €
300 €
Accompanying Persons
100 €
200 €
* a copy of your student card or a letter signed by the head of department is required, and must be submitted with the registration. For students of the same research group (three or more) the price will be reduced to 125 € / person
Method of Congress payment
Payment of Congress fees in Euros (€) must accompany all registration forms. No registration will be confirmed until payment is received. Payment can be made by bank transfer or Paypal. Paypal is our preferable way of payment as taxes are cheaper.
For any doubt please check this tutorial about the using of Paypal to send money.
Please be sure that you have done your hotel reservation in Laias SPA. Hotel reservation will not be done by the Congress organization.
Bank transfer
A copy of the bank receipt must be sent by e-mail to
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after you have completed the registration. Please note that bank transmission fees have to be paid by the transmitter.
Bank: Banco Santander
BIC CODE: BSCHESMMXXX Account: 0049 6143 89 2590070899 IBAN: ES14 0049 6143 89 2590070899 Name: Asociacion Científica Proteomass Ref.: II-ICAP-CONGRESS
For any doubt please check this tutorial about the using of Paypal to send money. Using the option "Send money" send us de fees to
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email adress:
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The congress Venue –Laias Caldaria- is a SPA located in a little village near Miño river, the highest river from Galicia. To have included breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffe breaks and free access to the SPA facilities in your fees you must be registered in this Venue.
(82 euros single room -one person-, 65 euros double room –each person-)
To complete registration download the PDF by clicking the link below and send us it by e-mail:
Please send an e-mail to
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with the registration pdf.
For receipt, please include the adress and number of taxpayers who wish to appear on the receipt
The registration fee for participants and students includes:
- Welcome reception
- Access to the Scientific Sessions
- Congress Package (Congress Bag, Badge, Program Book, Abstract Book etc)
- Breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee-breaks (per lodging day, if logged in Hotel-Laias, see below)
- Free access to the SPA-facilities (per lodging day, if logged in Hotel-Laias, see below)
The registration fee for accompanying persons includes:
- Welcome reception
- Breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee-breaks (per lodging day, if logged in Hotel-Laias, see below)
- Free access to the SPA-facilities (per lodging day, if logged in Hotel-Laias, see below)
CAUTION: To have the aforementioned advantages on inscription, the lodging during the congress must be done in the Hotel-SPA Laias (Congress Venue). If you are not going to be based in Laias, then you will need to pay breakfast, lunch, dinner, and accesss to SAP facilities. Please contact the organization if such is your case. Hotel reservation will not be done by the congress organization.
- Daily price for twin-room (room shared by two persons): 65.06 € (each person)
- Daily price for single-room (room occuped by one person): 81.68 €
Congress venue
Laias Caldaria | Hotel Balneario
- Daily price for twin-room (room shared by two persons): 65.06 € (each person)
- Daily price for single-room (room occuped by one person): 81.68 €
The price includes the right to go to the thermal baths. For special relaxing treatments see the list of prices. For reserves and Hotel payment please contact the person bellow:
- Mr. Rafael Liaño.
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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
- Tfno: +34 902492400 / +34 988280409
- Fax: +34 988280484
- On contacting please clearly state II-ICAP Congress 2011.